Bonus Watch: Back to Basics at Bingham
Weil We’re Waiting for Spring Bonuses…
When Poaching Partners, It’s All About the Benjamins
Pay of $10M for Top Rainmaking Lawyers Creates Growing Morale Issues
Haynes and Boone Names New Bankruptcy Partner

Recruiters ‘Attack Like Piranhas’ as Law Firms Start to Crumble
Recruiters: Who Loves Ya, Baby?
Schulte 2010 Revenue, Profits Down
Howrey Partner Rethinks Winston & Strawn Offer, Opts for Rival Firm
Firm Defers Law Grads, Won't Recruit Law Students
BigLaw Firm Opens 18th Office
Firm Fight! Patton Boggs, Gibson Dunn Squaring Off in Chevron Case
Dodger divorce: New lawyers for Frank McCourt, and for his old law firm
Lawyer Disbarred After Filing 'Most Frivolous' Suit Judge Had Ever Seen
Hospitals Say Lawyers' Errors & Cover Up Exposed Them to Millions in Damages
Judge Denies New Trial to Law Firm re $7.3M Emotional Distress Verdict Won by Former Client
What Lawyers Can Do When Companies Have Employees Trapped in Global Hot Spots
Bridging the Gap, Part II: How In-House Counsel Can Cut Budgets While Law Firms Can Increase Profits
Quant's Error Cost Billions, Class Claims
Is the SEC the Answer to the ‘Villanova Syndrome’?
Latest Cooley Law School Rankings Achieve New Heights of Intellectual Dishonesty
Law School Applications Down 12% Nationwide
Sick 'Em, GC! Redskins General Counsel Fires Off One Nasty Letter
Factors to Consider Before Law Firms Sue Ex-Clients Over Unpaid Fees
Turn iPad Into a Phone Using Whistle Phone
Use Online Polls for Critical Legal Decisions :)
Meet Natalie Lee, Novelist and Federal Prosecutor
NY Lawyer Isn't a L------, He Just Plays One Online, Which It Turns Out, Illegal
Why Chinese Mothers Are Mediocre
Employer of the Week - Not
Law may get even tougher on witches
Are Federal Courts Biased in Favor of Big Business?
Where Have All the Judges Gone? (And When Will We Get More?)
Help Wanted: US Judicial Vacancies Increasing; 2011 Retirements Average One Per Week
Judge of the Day: Maryland Judge Must Submit to a Breathalyzer Twice a Day, But Still Keeps His Job
Separation of Powers: Governor Rendell and Judge Rendell Split
Prosecutor: Judge's 'Cash Cow' Job Milked Money Envelopes From Attorney Owner of Juvenile Facility
Judge Reprimanded for Jailing Man After Confrontation in Courthouse Restroom
You Want to Be a Judge? Okay. First, What Makes You H----?
4th Circuit Nominee Describes Selection Process
On Health Care, Justice Will Prevail
Audit Blasts $1.9 Billion Court Computer Project in California
Wall Street:
U.S. Stock-Index Futures Decline After S&P 500 Rallies to June 2008 High
Stocks post broad gains, led by consumer names
Hong Kong Gauge Drops to Lowest This Year as China Raises Rates
Stock Recovery in High Gear
Why Aren't Employers Hiring?
Strikes, Lockouts Remained Near Record Lows in 2010
Job Openings in U.S. Decrease to Three-Month Low
Top Forecaster Brown Sees U.S. Adding 2 Million Jobs in 2011
Aging Boomers Reduce Unemployment Rate
National and State by State Unemployment Rates
Animated Map of Unemployment
IRS Giving Tax Evaders a Second Chance Again
WaMu files new bankruptcy plan
Abrupt departure of Wells CFO may leave investors wondering
US state bankruptcy won't get big cheer at hearing
California Plan Is Hope for Bondholders
Illinois: Tax Amnesty Nets Over $700 Million
Michigan imposes its dirty little secret property tax
In Muni-Bond Ills, Danger and Hope
Obama Plans to Rescue States With Debt Burdens
Congress to Tackle State, Local Fiscal Woes
Hope for states of federal loan reprieve
Alvarez & Marsal Steps Into Harrisburg Pa. Fiscal Distress
Health Care:
Shepherd of the Valley rejects bankruptcy option
Spacey’s Bank Fails at Berlin Fest
Chrysler's Eminem Ad Fires Up Conservative Pundit Steyn
GM workers may get $3000 or more in profit sharing payouts
Toyota Acceleration: We Told You So
Moody’s Reports No Defaults In January
Fed officials see high bar for more bond buys
Job Tax Plan Lands With a Thud
Obama's Claim That He Didn't Raise Taxes Rejected As 'Blatantly False' by Taxpayer Watchdog
Inflation Worries Spread
Fed’s Lockhart Plays Down Inflation Pressures
Fed’s illusion of prosperity bound to vanish
Is The Fed About To Have Its Next "Subprime Is Contained" Moment?
Manufacturer Points to Dichotomy in Consumer Spending
Big Business Hoards Cash, Craves Fruitcake
Before the recession, black-owned businesses boomed
Small Businesses Grow More Confident
Economic Stress Map
Economy Tracker Map
US Debt Clock
Bailout Recipients
Real Estate:
New York Fed Economists Say Bush-Era Bankruptcy Law Fueled Over 200,000 Foreclosures
Bankruptcy Robosigning Business Challenged by Debtors, Trustee
Home Affordability Hits Pre-Bubble Levels
Homeowners face 'new normal' in housing bust
Housing Declines Again
Home-Price Drop Leaves 27% of US Owners Underwater on Loans
38% of IL single-family homes underwater
71% Of All Vegas Homeowners Under Water
Americans Move at Lowest Rate since World War II
New-Home Recovery Seen as Post-Super Bowl Selling Season Starts
SEC is Taking a Hard Look At Bad Mortgage Practices
Amended Complaint in LPS/Prommis Solutions Litigation Provides More Details of Alleged Kickbacks, Impermissible Fee Sharing
Beazer swings to 1Q loss as earnings drop 200%
Zandi: Here’s How To Revamp Fannie, Freddie
US May Cut Mortgage Support 50%
Fannie Freddie Report may be released by Friday
Post Properties widens fiscal year loss to $14.5 million
Future of Mortgage Securities Remains Hazy
Survey: Mortgage Process Has Become Too Confusing
Economy claims another condo
Miami Rents Drive All-Cash Deals
KBW finds meaningful decline in January mortgage prepayments
Vacant house, once an eyesore, now a 'neighborhood asset'
JP Morgan Making a Fortune Off of American Poverty
(DBN) sold for $1 million to pay creditors
Ramada owners file Chapter 11
Investors Checking Back Into Hotels
Rich Take From Poor as U.S. Subsidy Law Funds Luxury Hotels
United States Bankruptcy Court Orders Sale of JFK Plaza Hotel
Justice Dept. charges 4 with insider trading at hedge funds
Links to SAC Capital in the insider trading probe
Ex-SAC manager pleads guilty in insider probe
What Insider Traders Should Avoid
Insider Suspect Smashed Evidence
Each One Of These Hedge Funds Held Shares Of The Company At The Center Of New Insider Trading Charges
Your Complete Guide To Who's Who In Wall Street's Spiraling Insider Trading Scandal
Insider Trading Accusations Describe Network Of Corruption
An Insider Trading Defendant's 'Tool of the Trade'
The SEC Is Stretching The Definition Of Inside Information And Materiality Past The Breaking Point
Insider Trading Scheme Like "Something Out Of A Bad Movie"
The Details Behind How Two Hedge Funders Tried To Hide Their Insider Trading
Cases built on recordings, BlackBerry messages, garbage searches
Raj Rajaratnam Has Little to Lose in Demanding Trial Over Deal
Banks Could Have Key Role in Mets Suit
WaMu investors can question hedge funds on insider-trading claims
Madoff Lawsuit Turns on What JPMorgan Knew of Fraud
Madoff and the Mets
Troy Stratos Takes Money Running From Investors Always in Black Limousines
Calpers Alleges Top Lehman Execs Misled On Exposures, Financials
Receivers for failed financier Stanford pursuing PGA Tour
The Move That Doomed Borders Bookstores
Borders book store frantically tries to escape sorry ending
Bookstores feeling pain from digital sales
Sutton Creek Golf Club up for sale
Accounting Practices: The Games That Banks Play
Measuring the Career Value of the Big 4 Experience on a Scale of 1 to 5
Wanted: Hot Female Accountants
DBSD Must Consider Higher Buyout Offers, Judge Says
Howard Marks has contempt for his creditors
USA fears Saudi oil may have been overstated by 40%
New Bankruptcy Opinions
(No new opinions today)
Bankruptcy Court Web/Pacer Site Directory
Chapter 7, 12 & 13 Private Trustee Locator
Recent Ch. 11 Filings
Bankruptcy Code - Prior BK Codes - Bankruptcy Rules
(large downloads)
Bankruptcy Jobs:
(1)- (2)- (3)- (4)- (5)- (6)- (7)- (8)- (9)- (10)
Seminars - (Contact us to list your seminar)
WaMu, Junco Steel, Meridian Mortgage, Hardage: Bankruptcy
Ruling Appears to End to Chapter 11 'Gift' Plans
DBSD: The Second Circuit’s Analysis Revealed at Last
Bankruptcy Poetry:
How AIG died
AIG to Take $4.1 Billion Fourth - Quarter Charge
Corporate Reform:
Fed opens comment on Dodd-Frank regulation of nonbank firms
Consumer Protection Chief Seeks Allies In Faith Leaders
Warning Shot On Financial Protection
Elizabeth Warren Is Expecting Your Call
CalPERS sues Wall Street's top investment banks
Catholic Diocese Finances Exposed in Bankruptcy Filing
Crystal Cathedral CFO resigns after criticism
Spiritual lessons from financial crisis?
Another ‘OC’ Housewife Battling Housing Issues?
Credit Cards:
That 79.9% Interest Rate Credit Card
US Plans $53Billion for High Speed Rail
Rail Traffic increases in January
The Entire US Economy In Three Simple Rail Charts
Big Rig Truck Orders up 320% in January
Harry & David survival in doubt,eyes restructuring
Bankruptcy Crimes:
Macher's lawyer says trial could be pushed back
BANKRUPT! Jefferson, Lincoln, and Other Politicians Who've Gone Broke
Interest in U.S. credit default swaps grows on debt worries
A Bad, Likely, and Seldom Mentioned Scenario for the U.S. During the Next Few Years
CBI Says `Persistently High' Inflation to Push BOE on Rates
Britain Reaches Deal With Banks on Lending and Pay
U.K. Food-Price Inflation Soars as Bank of England Begins Policy Meeting
Insolvent deals down
Corporate Insolvencies reveals two-speed recovery
Fall in administrations spell 'fragile recovery'
HMRC to target unpaid tax with debt collectors
Construction business failures rise after an 8 quarter decline
Appointment of Administrators - 8 February 2011
Winding Up Petitions - 8 February 2011
Court debts reach record highs in Northern Ireland
Goldman Sachs Turns Bullish on European Banks That Bond Market Shuns
Canadians Gloomy Over Personal Finances
Fraser Paper says its creditors have approved new restructuring plan
D'Addario's The Envision Group Files For Receivership
China's tightening shows global rebalancing at work
Dollar falls against euro as China raises rates
Anglo Irish Bank reports $24-billion loss for 2010
Drumm questioned in 'secret' session
Trichet Reiterates Opposition To Irish Debt Restructuring
Japan’s Corporate Bankruptcies Fall 2.1% on Year in January
BOJ Governor Forecasts Economic Rebound
Czech Republic:
Czech Lottery Firm Sazka Says It's Found Financial Partners
Pakistan's Government Is In Disarray As The Cabinet Resign And America Threatens To Cut Aid