Judge reluctantly agrees partner’s equal-pay suit against Sedgwick is likely subject to arbitration • Judge Really Bummed Biglaw Discrimination Suit Probably Has To Go To Arbitration
Is Origination to Blame for Women Partners' Lower Pay?
The Dan Markel Case: A Most Interesting Email • Update On Dan Markel Murder Investigation • The story behind FSU professor's slaying detailed in new evidence
White & Case Names New Bankruptcy Partner

Election Cycle Creates A ‘Perfect Storm’ For Lateral Partner Hiring
The Pink Ghetto: Sexism Is Alive And Well In Law School
Leading New York Law Firms Lag in Including Women and Minorities
Shearman Gambles on Wall Street Rarity: Nonequity Partners
Bankrupt lawyer faces ethics violations after $67 bank overdraft
UK: Cash-strapped young barristers feeling more ‘lost’ and ‘depressed’ than ever
What the Vanishing Trial Lawyer Means for In-House Counsel, and 5 Things They Can Do
Lawyers believe the legal profession is the most stressful
Law firms hire from the smallest pool
What Would You Do As A ‘Non-Lawyer’?
Law Profs At Chicago, Harvard And Michigan Turn To 'Hamilton' As A Teaching Tool
Solo And Small Firm Attorneys: Yes, You ARE Competing With LegalZoom
FBI Director Rejects Talk of Epidemic of Police Bias Against Blacks
Lawyer Takes Dating Advice From Donald Trump, Looks For Someone To . . . ?
Christie Misconduct May Bring Indictment
University Of Houston Obtains Injunction Barring South Texas From Rebranding Itself 'Houston College Of Law'
Inside the Secret Society of Wall Street’s Top In-House Lawyers
A Partner Gives Pole Dancing A Chance
Creepy Clowns No Laughing Matter for This Lawyer
Lawyers Winning Nobel Peace Prizes
Rolling Stone heads to trial on Monday over debunked story about rape
Ginsburg: I Shouldn't Comment on Protest • Ginsburg reconsiders her comments about ‘dumb and disrespectful’ national anthem protest • Justice Ginsburg backtracks, again
Man is sentenced for acid attack on judge at his home
Judge Pleading Guilty To Felony Has One Last Question
How not to pick a Supreme Court justice
Is Eight Enough?
SCOTUS: The Dangerous Empty Seat
Judge Who Tackled Defendant in Court: ‘I Certainly Don’t Regret’ It
Turkish Government Raids Judiciary, Arrests 189 Judges And Prosecutors
Wall Street:
Dow futures fall as stocks seen 'struggling to sustain themselves'
European Stocks Resume Declines as Energy Producers Lead Losses
Stocks close higher after Yellen comments, bank earnings
Goldman Sachs vindicated but bruised in court battle with Libyan fund • Judge Doesn’t Care About H-----s In Goldman v Libya Ruling
Layoffs Watch ’16: Deutsche Bank Considering Relieving Itself Of An Extra 10,000 Employees
Manufacturer Jacobsen laying off about 200 in Charlotte
Charter Laying Off 258 In Charlotte
HP Plans As Many As 4,000 Layoffs As PC Slump Persists
National and State by State Unemployment Rates
Animated Map of Unemployment
Unbuilt Texas Cancer Center Creditors' Ch. 11 Plan Approved
Theranos Faces Growing Number of Lawsuits Over Blood Tests
In North Carolina, ACA insurer defections leave little choice for many consumers • More Than 1 Million to Lose Obamacare Plans as Insurers Quit • As Insurers Drop Obamacare, White House Steps Up Sales Pitch • Rising Obamacare premiums anger those paying full price
Medicare Unveils Overhaul of Doctor's Pay
Another $100 Million Health Care Fraud Busted in Texas
Ohio Dumps Wells Fargo • Wells Fargo CFO: Not Giving Back Bonuses • Wells Fargo's Customers Strike Back
Madoff Continues On: Recent Tax Court Case Rules on Treatment of Madoff Account
First VW Diesel Fix May Come Soon
Closed Summerside aerospace companies file for bankruptcy
Kim Kardashian Suing Outlets Claiming She Staged Paris Robbery To Bank Millions From Insurance Company
Curt Schilling’s Video Game Company Settlement Was Undone, Trial Is Possible
Retail Rivalry: Consignment Vendors, Secured Lenders Spar over Priority
NJ: Retail vacancy rate rises to 7.2 percent
This Sears Employee Just Landed the Worst Job in Corporate America
EFH Gets Blessing On Deal Over $122M Wind Farm Claim
For-profit colleges stay quietly on offense
The Next Recession is Coming • A Recession in the Next Four Years?
Fed Eyes a High Pressure Economy
Consumers less confident than any time since last year • Preliminary October Consumer Sentiment declines to 87.9
Obama Administration: Budget Deficit Increases to $587B
The Economy is Rigged. Just Not That Way
American Dream: Rich Fearful, Poor Believe
The shocking pain of American men
Yellen’s Talk of Hot U.S. Economy Extends October Long-Bond Rout
Caregiving Is Forcing Women 50+ To Leave The Workforce
72% Are Financially Stressed: Here's How To Get Out From Under Money Woes
Retail Sales Increased Slightly in September
As election approaches, U.S. economy chugs along
Fed's Nowcast Up For Q3 and Q4
Study: Growth in Younger Generations Changes Spending Patterns in U.S.
LA area Port Traffic: Exports up Year-over-year in September
Pray For The Billionaires, You Guys
US Debt Clock
World Debt Clock
Economic Indicators Dashboard
Real Estate:
The most expensive housing market in every state
2008: Mortgage Settlement Was Imperfect
Forecast: Strongest and weakest housing markets for next year
Puerto Rico Governor Says Deficit Could Climb to $59 Billion •Governor: Puerto Rican rescue to be pricey
It's On: Bondholder Groups Square Off over Puerto Rico Financing
Detroit taxpayers fully funding CFO's rent, airfare
San Bernardino reaches 'momentous' bankruptcy hearing
Financial turnarounds are Gayle Corrigan's specialty
Bankruptcy judge OKs equity committee for Breitburn stakeholders
U.S. drillers add 15 more rigs
Texas Is Making An Energy Recovery Texas Is Making An Energy Recovery
Industry Body Gives ‘Positive Spin’ To 120,000 Lost Jobs
What OPEC's Oil U-Turn Missed: Peak Demand Keeps Getting Closer
Oil prices slip after active rigs increase in the U.S.
Near Term Oil Prices Can’t Go Much Higher
Bankruptcy Rebound? Oil, Gas Companies Bounce Back from Chapter 11
Private Equity Could Help More Mid-Cap Energy Companies Close Deals
Templar Energy sheds debt, continues drilling
The Oil Crash Nightmare For Kazakhstan
Corporate Reform:
Could The Return Of Glass- Steagall Prevent Wells Fargo-Style Debacles?
Lew: Don't Roll Back Wall Street Reform
Fresh off Wells Fargo win, Warren wants to oust an Obama appointee at SEC • Despite Record SEC Enforcement Activity, Senator Warren Calls for President to Fire Agency Chair
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Brought Down A Notch
How Would Healthcare Change Under Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? • Clinton, Trump and the Affordable Care Act
Clinton holds 11-point national lead over Trump: NBC/WSJ Poll • Hillary Clinton Picks Up Support From Women, Swing Voters to Build Lead • Clinton Will Have to Raise Taxes Even More to 'Not Add a Penny' to the Debt • Hillary Clinton should accept Donald Trump's drug-test challenge • Transcripts of Hillary's Three Speeches to Goldman Sachs • Emails: Hillary Treads Lightly with Wall St. • Clinton Email: Ring China with Missiles • Emails: Nasty Stuff from Clinton in 2008 • Clinton Has a Solid Lead Less than a Month Before Election Day • Clinton says she can’t recall 20-plus times in Judicial Watch suit; group has ‘carpet bomb’ strategy • Wikileaks: Clinton's Advisors Agree To Take Foreign Lobbyists' Money, Forget to Tell Her • A Look at More Hacked Clinton Emails
Was Trump’s Tax Loss Trump’s Tax Loss? • For Trump, the real dirty word is 'CFPB' • Trump: Clinton Should be in Jail and the Election is Rigged • Trump is Not Going Away Quietly • Democracies Die Without Graceful Losers • Rigged Election Claims May Leave Lasting Damage • Mike Pence: ‘We Will Absolutely Accept the Result of the Election’ • Ex-GOP AG on Trump Jailing Clinton • Here’s why 100 business leaders support Trump for president • Trump Cuts Ties with Ohio GOP Chairman • New Portrait Emerges of a Trump Voter • Tech billionaire Peter Thiel is reportedly donating $1.25 million to Donald Trump • 'It's a she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said situation' • Donald Trump Also Gave One of His Accusers Some Really Bad Financial Advice • Where Trump Wants to Be Buried • Blaming Carlos Slim for Assault Stories • Trump Accusers Coming Out of the Woodwork • Armed Trump Supporters Protest Dem's Office • 'SNL' spoofs the 'second and worst ever' presidential debate • 'Boring and unfunny': Donald Trump unloads on SNL over Alec Baldwin's Trump impression • Trump attacks ‘SNL’ ‘hit job,’ suggests show part of media conspiracy • The Fury and Failure of Donald Trump • Trump’s Unlawful Gag Orders and Why He Can’t Handle the Truth• Trump Jr. Can't Handle Harassment? Teach • Trump is wrong — you can't just 'take the oil' from the Middle East • Not Just Trump Wanted to Steal Mideast Oil
In Clash Over Trump Article, a Lawyer's Letter Goes Viral
When Trump goes looking for a media brawl, this feared lawyer steps in
As Trump's Troubles Pile Up, Lawyers Line Up
Why I left the Republican Party to become a Democrat
Toxic Politics Can Lead to Economic Crisis
SCOTUS Matters More to GOP Than Trump
GOP headquarters in North Carolina firebombed, graffiti warns 'leave town or else'
Kaye Scholer Clients Achieve Nearly Full Recovery in Arch Coal Chapter 11 Proceeding
JPMorgan Q3 Earnings Beat Estimates, Hurt by 86% Credit Loss Increase
Wells Fargo Beats Estimates, Reports Strong Commercial Loan Growth
Creditors chase supply chain operators 'overpaid' before National Air Cargo bankruptcy
SeaPort Airlines Goes Under
How to stop wasting your frequent flier miles
New Bankruptcy Opinions
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The Equity Committee Trend: When Shareholders of a Bankrupt Company Hope to Get More Than Nothing
U.S. Sixth Circuit Holds that Customary Language in Amendment and Restatement Agreements May Extinguish Existing Security Interests via Novation
Structured Dismissal:
Jevic Could Be the Most Consequential Chapter 11 SCOTUS Decision in Many Years • Respondents' brief filed
Chapter 11 Watch: Takata, A Hanjin Update And Are Chico’s, Lands’ End Next Up?
Arbitration Agreements Held Unenforceable in WARN Act Litigation
Lehman Decision Holds that Mutuality Must Exist to Exercise a Right of Setoff
Trapped Between a Rock and a Hard Place
'Crane King' won't sell plane to pay accident victims' families
Roscoe’s House of Chicken N Waffles President/Founder Herb Hudson Removed by Bankruptcy Judge
Restaurant Chains Get Burned by Overexpansion, New Rivals • Shakeout comes to U.S. restaurant chains
IHeartMedia, Cumulus Creditors Broadcasting Distress Signals
Shipping industry could face $35bn write-off, as NYK’s impairment loss is likely to trigger review by lines
Sinking ships are surprisingly good news
Korea to Inject $2.64 bln into DSME
Another Korean line files for court receivership
Asia-Pacific ports to absorb worst impact of slow growth
With PetroQuest, That’s 133 Defaults So Far in 2016
Victims of Priests’ Abuse Face a Choice
NFL ratings plunge could spell doom for traditional TV
Student Debt:
Here's What the Average American Owes After College
Young women are much more likely to be insolvent than young men
Predatory funds circling BrightHouse
Uncertain wait for collapsed construction firm creditors
Six Reasons to Be Wary of Brexit Optimism
Monte Paschi to Pay Fine in Plea Bargain Over False Accounting
Italy Debt Tops 150% of GDP Without Underground, Illegal Economy
Creditors’ Technical Teams Arrive in Greece for Second Bailout Program Review • Technical talks with foreign envoys to begin on Monday • Creditors head to Athens as Greek economy at crossroads • Anti-austerity protesters to march in Athens as technical talks begin
ie: Applications to insolvency service more than double in Q3
Portugal Cuts Economic Growth Forecasts, Sees Higher Debt Ratio
Threat of Uber looms large for Vancouver taxi drivers
Trailmobile Canada picks up production slack for bankrupt affiliate
July Records 15 Percent In Insolvencies Rate
Value of assets to decide fees of insolvency professionals
Deutsche Bank May Pull Back in US Over Costs
Global debt restructuring hub? S'pore not quite there yet
Singapore economy shrinks 4.1pc in 3Q
Could there be another bank run in Switzerland?
Private equity-backed Byron Group placed in administration
Survival of the Weakest Upends China Investment Logic
Peugeot to cut more than 2,000 jobs in France