Is It Time to Start Shutting Down Law Schools?
Embarrassing Dewey emails are cast as sarcasm; partner insists ‘I am the reason you have this job’
Competition for Top Talent Increasing Across the Board
3 Common Misconceptions About Going In-House
Kelley Drye & Warren Announces New Bankruptcy Partner

Kelley Drye & Warren Announces Two New Bankruptcy Special Counsel

Bankruptcy Lawyer: 10 Ways Successful Lawyers Respond To Career Setbacks (Part II)
Should BigLaw firms be donating more of their record profits to legal aid?
Hiring woes reported by two-thirds of surveyed lawyers with hiring authority
Which papers do lawyers have to return to former clients? ABA ethics opinion addresses the issue
Biglaw Mommy: There’s Hope After All
Allen & Overy Income Rises for Sixth Year Amid Banker Scandals
Appeals court rules for Womble Carlyle in disability suit by former employee
Latham & Watkins wannabe lawyer in Wolf of Wall Street-style drugs and prostitutes binge
Why Do Solo Practitioners Make So Little Money?
Taking It Offline — What Happens When A Biglaw Associate Quits The Internet
Are Academic Law Libraries Doomed?
Charleston Law Begs Students To Stay With Dumbest Pitch Ever
Bloomberg’s ‘The 10 Most Underrated Law Schools’ Is A Terribly Stupid List
In This Alternative Universe, Harvard Law Ranks No. 1
Restoring The Allure Of Being A Lawyer
The Most Interesting In-House Job In The World?
Gowan, Texas Firm Settle Dispute Over Trustee Fee
World's Largest Law Firm Gets Even Bigger • Law Firm Giant Adds Thousands of Lawyers, Eyes Even More
Rethinking the Law Firm Organizational Form and Capitalization Structure
The Task Code Conundrum
Lawyers , Doctors Compete Online to Free Themselves of Student Debt
More Law Firms Blogging, Few Blogs Mobile-Friendly
A Client-Centered Approach to Save Big Law from the Robot Apocalypse
CEO Accused Of Harassing Employee Ordered To Cough Up $18 Million
TX: Chaos in the County Clerks' Offices • Michigan district court stops performing marriages in the wake of gay-marriage decision
Man gets $5K ticket for jumping off charter fishing boat on a dare
More white-collar workers are at risk of suicide
Spanking conviction is overturned; top state court allows reasonable force in child discipline
Justice Department finds Ferguson police responsible for unrest in Missouri
‘The Secret of Magic’ awarded the 2015 Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction
BK ND CA Redistributes Case Load In San Jose
10th Cir. BAP Seeks Staff Attorney and Term Law Clerk
New Bankruptcy Judge in Western Washington
Grenade-shaped perfume bottle caused evacuation at Ohio courthouse
Appeals court blasts lawyers and ‘scorched earth tactics,’ publishes opinion despite settlement
Wall Street:
Stock futures steady ahead of jobs report
Global stock markets gain as strong US payroll data eclipse Greek risk
Stocks close higher on Greece hopes, US data
It's hard to explain why prime working-age American women are leaving the labor force
National and State by State Unemployment Rates
Animated Map of Unemployment
Hedge Funds:
How American Hedge Funds Handle Foreign Debt
Caesars Wants Bankruptcy Investigator to Probe 2008 Buyout
New Caesars CEO starts, replacing Gary Loveman
Morongo Tribe Rides to Colt’s Rescue
Airline stocks sharply lower on collusion report
Mass Torts:
How many people are killed by asbestos? It's more difficult to track than you think.
Many Ignition Switch Claimants Excluded from GM Compensation Fund • Leaves Out Scores Hurt or Killed in Cars With Switch Flaw
US factory activity eases; slowest pace since October 2013
US private payrolls rise solidly; factory activity picks up
Little evidence of liquidity strain: Fed's Brainard
Why Isn't the Middle Class Making $156,000
1 in 3 Americans would consider leaving: Survey
5 things to watch in the June jobs report
June jobs report could signal Fed action
US construction spending rises to 6-1/2-year-high
Wall Street Is Running Out Of Ways To Make Easy Money Off Corporate Tax Loopholes
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness: How the 13 Colonies Rank Today
Whites think the American Dream is least achievable
US Debt Clock
Economic Indicators Dashboard
Real Estate:
Fannie, Freddie CEOs to Get $3.4 Million Raises
US housing stages ‘lopsided’ recovery FT
Construction spending rises in May but residential component weak
Mortgage applications drop as interest rates rise to 9-month high
Seventh Circuit Limits Construction Lender’s Use of Title Insurance Policy to Cover Construction Liens Created by Lender’s Cutoff of Funding
Why Congress Should Let Puerto Rico Declare Bankruptcy
Puerto Rico vs. Greece • Puerto Rico is not Greece • Is Puerto Rico Another Greece? 10 Questions
Moody's cuts Puerto Rico's bonds further into junk territory
Puerto Rico Lenders Form New Front as They Gird for Default
Banks Enabled Puerto Rico's Debt Addiction
Franklin Templeton sees costly legal fight over Puerto Rico bonds
6 Things You Didn't Know About Puerto Rico's Financial Troubles
Crowley, Sea Star Line, Jaxport plan to stick with Puerto Rico despite $72 billion debt
Puerto Rico makes July 1 bond payments. No default • Puerto Rico power company forced to sell bonds amid crisis • Progress made in Puerto Rico debt impasse: Source
Puerto Rico’s pain is tied to U.S. wages
6 Things You Didn't Know About Puerto Rico's Financial Troubles
Rhodes may see the familiar in Puerto Rico, but pensions are a different game
1,400 CPS layoffs after $634M pension payment
Rauner softens stance a bit, but Dems unimpressed
State finds probable financial stress in Wayne County
CA: Brown Needs $59 Billion to Fix Roads
LightSquared to GPS industry: Work with us on interference testing or stop complaining
Bankruptcy judge looks to OK $2.5M deal in W.Va. spill case
Bahamas Resort Baha Mar Wins Access to Bankruptcy Loan at Quick First Hearing
Blindsided: PM Admits Govt Caught Off-Guard On Baha Mar
Bankrupt Baha Mar Bahamas resort 8-12 weeks from completion
Baha Mar bankruptcy could bode poorly for Jacksonville's Suddath, Jaxport
Baha Mar mulling bankruptcy since May 2015
Jeb Bush Wasn't Maybe Entirely Useless As A Paid Hand For Lehman Brothers • Jeb Releases 33 Years of Tax Returns
Macy's cuts ties with Donald Trump • Donald Trump: It was my decision to cut off ties with Macy's • Trump: Boycott Macy's • Trump Lawsuit Against Univision Is Not His Best, Has A Lot Of Problems
The Coming Apocalypse for US Shale • Shale Drillers' Safety Net Is Vanishing
Crude oil is getting smoked • Crude prices fall after oil storage gains
Bankruptcy and More Layoffs Could Threaten Industry Even After Downturn
Insolvent Laricina Energy to close pilot oilsands project
Sabine Amends Credit Facility Forbearance Agreement
Samson Resources revives debt talks with unsecured bondholders
Oil job cuts subside as crude prices stabilize, report says • 150,000 oil and gas jobs lost worldwide
Personal Finance:
I negotiated the price of everything I bought for a week — and it worked half the time
Here are 3 terrible ways to end your cover letter
5 biggest financial mistakes Gen X and Gen Y make
The credit card perk you have but don’t know about
Rural Pennsylvania Fire Department Files for Bankruptcy to Save Bingo Night
Doral Financial Seeks More Time to Control Bankruptcy Case
FL: Lake Mary bank company files for bankruptcy
White House crackdown on for-profit colleges begins
Lawsuit makes Stockton's Showboat plan even more uncertain
Molycorp 'Kicks The Can Down The Road', Bankruptcy Judge Balks
New Bankruptcy Opinions
(11 new opinions today - DBN)
Bankruptcy Court Web/Pacer Site Directory
Chapter 7, 12 & 13 Private Trustee Locator
Recent Ch. 11 Filings (18 new filings today)
Recent Ch. 11 Adversary Proceeding Filings (45 new filings today)

Bankruptcy Code - Prior BK Codes - Bankruptcy Rules
(large downloads)
UCLA-LoPucki Bankruptcy Research Database
Bankruptcy Jobs:
(1)-(2)- (3)-(4)-(5)-(6)-(7)-(8)-(9)-(10)
Seminars - (Contact us to list your seminar)
Bankruptcy Statistics:
The Future of Personal Bankruptcy in a Post-Obamacare World
Bankruptcy filings in WNY continue long shift downward • Data
Toledo area bankruptcies fall for 25th month
Bankruptcy Reform:
ABI commission wants to allow small- and midsize business equity holders to keep their stakes
Intercreditor Agreements: Recognize That Second Lien Financings Are A Special Case Of Subordinated Lending
Jailed in Puerto Rico: Does Bankruptcy Court have Personal Jurisdiction Over You?
Why the RadioShack brand will live on after bankruptcy
Bankruptcy judge concerned about patients if Nurses' Registry can't pay employees
Will the Affordable Care Act lead to fewer personal bankruptcy filings?
Student Debt:
Education Department To Miss Obama Deadlines On Helping Student Borrowers
Corinthian bankruptcy suit includes call for repayment freeze and asset sales
Former Corinthian Students Should File a Proof of Claim
Petters Strikes Again: Amended Minnesota Fraudulent Transfer Act Does Not Shelter Certain Charitable Contributions
Anti-suit injunctions, OW Bunker and ISDA Master Agreements
Import-Export Bank Ceases to Write New Loans for US Businesses
Here's Why Peabody Energy Corporation' Stock is Crashing
Walter Energy Debt Talks Said to Accelerate With Bankruptcy Plan
A Gentle Reminder From British Financiers That They Can Work From Anywhere
Lloyds Plans to Eliminate 700 Jobs Across Divisions at the Bank
Recast Insolvency Regulation: New Rules and Focus on Cross-Border Restructuring
Varoufakis to resign if Greece votes 'yes' • 'I prefer to cut my arm off'
Tsipras defiant as bank controls bite • Greek PM urges country to vote NO • 'Greece will stay in the euro' • Three Scenarios for Greece • Understanding the Roots of the Greek Debt Crisis • 12 charts and maps that explain the Greek crisis • This is why the Greek bailout was destined to fail • Thousands of angry elderly Greek pensioners besiege banks to grab cash • Greece tourism unaffected by financial crisis • Yikes Greece faces import shortages, terror risk: Experts • Hedge Fund Manager Expects Greek Unemployment Rate To Rise By One Very Specific Individual • With Greece, Is the IMF at Risk of Repeating Its Own Mistakes? • ECB’s dilemma: To keep Greek banks alive or not? • Greece might be a 'Lehman moment': Hedge fund pro • Greeks starved for cash with few lifelines left • Angela Merkel unmoved by final Greek plea for more time • Why Greece has such a massive tax evasion problem • Why Greeks wants to stay in the euro • This chart shows how Greece's last bailout money was spent • How the IMF wrecked Greece (but didn’t get U.S.) • Why the Greek bailout was destined to fail • Here's The Truth About Greece That Many Germans Won't Like To Hear • Every Greek financial crisis since 1829
Bankruptcy is a real possibility for Greece. Does its leader have a plan? • Greece's Syriza Spars Over Bailout Strategy
35 things Canadians say that Americans don't understand
Russia's Sberbank to File Bankruptcy Claims Against Mechel
Mechel Urges Sberbank Not to Bankrupt Its Units Amid Debt Talks
Nigeria’s state oil corporation stole nearly $20 billion earned over the last 3 years
Estonia's foreign minister steps down after court links her to bankruptcy of father's business
Billionaire's Tragedy to Hit Big Screen as Batista Rights Sold
Is it time to reform the cornerstone of Australia's insolvency regime?
Why China's crazy stock market is getting scary
India needs a realistic debt restructuring framework