February 19, 2008

Daily Bankruptcy News

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BigLaw Firm Reaps $80 Million From Client's Hard Times
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World beaters
(DBN Subscription Required)

Less Billing, Tastes Great?
(DBN Subscription Required)

Despite Summer Associate's Warning, BigLaw Firm Still Entangled in Ponzi Scheme Fallout
(DBN Subscription Required)

Left Last Year at the Merger Altar, Firm Still Hopes to Hook Up
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Hockett Out of Bingham's Pocket
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Business waits on Supreme Court rulings
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Don't (Only) Sweat the Small Stuff
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Don't Dread the Rule 26(f) Conference
(DBN Subscription Required)

Lawyer Professionalism Tied To Value Billing?
(DBN Subscription Required)

Students Prefer Easy Courses and "Hot" Professors
(DBN Subscription Required)

Creditor Says Young Lawyer Flew The Coop
(DBN Subscription Required)



Ambac considering option to split itself
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Bond Insurer Split Threatens $580 Billion of Notes
(DBN Subscription Required)

MBIA Former Chief Returns as Credit Rating Cut Looms
(DBN Subscription Required)

What about the baddies in a bond insurer split?
(DBN Subscription Required)

FGIC Split: Let the Lawsuits Begin
(DBN Subscription Required)

Auction-Rate Turmoil Spreads
(WSJ: separate paid subscription required)

New York Bond Costs Rise as Banks Let Auctions Fail
(DBN Subscription Required)



What You Need to Know About the Rebates
(WSJ: separate paid subscription required)

More Americans buckling under debt
(DBN Subscription Required)

Sliding into the Great Deflation
(DBN Subscription Required)

Credit squeeze's potential ripple effects
(DBN Subscription Required)

Time to Call it a Recession?
(DBN Subscription Required)

Poll: Leaving Iraq Will Help Economy
(DBN Subscription Required)

Earnings slump worst since 2001
(DBN Subscription Required)

Treasuries Fall as Investors Reduce Fed Rate-Cut Expectations
(DBN Subscription Required)

Wealth destruction gathers pace
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Bankruptcy Statistics:

Bankruptcy rate highest in Tenn. among young people
(DBN Subscription Required)



Surprising confessions of a turnaround guy
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Chrysler gearing up for shut-down after Tuesday's Plastech hearing
(DBN Subscription Required)

Cerberus: Chrysler Not As Bad as GMAC
(DBN Subscription Required)

Wall Street deal makers were shocked by statements in a letter to investors from Stephen Feinberg, the secretive founder of Cerberus Capital Management
(NYT: separate free registration required)

Ford buyout window is wide open
(DBN Subscription Required)

Chrysler workers split on buyouts
(DBN Subscription Required)



Paging Company Struggles
(DBN Subscription Required)


Personal Finance:

Pay home debt before credit card obligations
(DBN Subscription Required)



Risky equities lure US pension guarantor
(DBN Subscription Required)


Corporate Reform:

Governments around the world cooperating on prosecuting corporate crime
(DBN Subscription Required)

'Whistleblower' website shut by US court over bank documents
(DBN Subscription Required)



Wall St. Banks Brace For a String of Write-Downs
(NYT: separate free registration required)

'Old-fashioned' banks manage to avoid credit crisis
(DBN Subscription Required)

Banks borrow $50bn via new Fed facility; Unease over indirect government support...
(DBN Subscription Required)

Credit Suisse Writedowns to Cut Profit by $1 Billion
(DBN Subscription Required)

Credit Suisse Writes Off $2.85 Billion
(NYT: separate free registration required)

Credit Suisse Suspends Traders
(DBN Subscription Required)

Qatar Buying Credit Suisse Shares on Open Market, Plans Other Bank Buys
(NYT: separate free registration required)

Credit Suisse's Nasty Surprise
(DBN Subscription Required)

Barclays ups writedown to $3.1 billion
(DBN Subscription Required)

Backing Away From Citi
(DBN Subscription Required)

Bank reserves category goes negative
(DBN Subscription Required)

Banks may lose hundreds of billions
(DBN Subscription Required)

The Real Meaning of "Special Interest"
(DBN Subscription Required)



Foss trustee goes after auditors
(DBN Subscription Required)

GE Probe Brings Accounting Shift
(WSJ: separate paid subscription required)




Real Estate:

Regulators' Subprime Mortgage Cases
(DBN Subscription Required)

Countrywide: Henry Cisneros on the hot seat
(DBN Subscription Required)

For This Niche Industry, Foreclosures Bring a Boom
(DBN Subscription Required)

Realtors doubt Bush's plan
(DBN Subscription Required)

First Magnus get OK to liquidate
(DBN Subscription Required)

Two S. Fla. condo developers file for bankruptcy
(DBN Subscription Required)

Kennedy Homes lays off staff
(DBN Subscription Required)

The demolition of the American dream
(DBN Subscription Required)

North Texas Home Foreclosures Jump 27 Percent
(DBN Subscription Required)

Foreclosures in Central Texas on the rise
(DBN Subscription Required)

Riverside-San Bernardino ranks 4th in foreclosures
(DBN Subscription Required)

Banks unloading abandoned houses at cut-rate prices
(DBN Subscription Required)

'House Swapping' A Rising Trend In Home Sales
(DBN Subscription Required)

Is Your Home Still Your Castle as Foreclosures Rise
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Credit Cards:

Interest rates rise for lovers of plastic
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Wall Street:

Wall Street heads for higher open
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European shares rally
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Asian Stocks Rise to Two-Week High
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Equity Trades Defy Economy as Wall Street Transformers Abound
(DBN Subscription Required)

Wall Street Faces Fury Over Subprimes
(DBN Subscription Required)

Now, Lehman Gets Pelted
(WSJ: separate paid subscription required)

Bank woes hit FTSE
(DBN Subscription Required)



Deals in the air: Rising costs force US carriers to seek mergers
(DBN Subscription Required)

Delta, Northwest pilots reach deal to unite
(DBN Subscription Required)

Delta Air Lines Said to Be Near a Northwest Deal - Emergency Board Meetings Scheduled for Tuesday
(NYT: separate free registration required)

Delta-Northwest Deal Looks Near
(WSJ: separate paid subscription required)

Airline merger has pilots' future up in the air
(DBN Subscription Required)

Airline merger talks fuel anxiety, action
(DBN Subscription Required)

As airlines talk, frequent fliers fret
(DBN Subscription Required)

Unions a wild card as airlines seek deals
(DBN Subscription Required)

Airlines better prepared to face tough times
(DBN Subscription Required)

The Idiocy Behind Airline Mergers
(DBN Subscription Required)



Vallejo bankruptcy woes prompt police, fire exodus
(DBN Subscription Required)

Empty housing costing millions
(DBN Subscription Required)

Bond Crisis Already Crimping States
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Misleading Chart of the Day, CDS Edition
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Shadows of the CDS Market
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Sovereign Debt:

U.S. Headed For Fiscal Crisis?
(DBN Subscription Required)



Where gasoline price increases go
(DBN Subscription Required)



Rate Cuts Stall LBO Debt
(WSJ: separate paid subscription required)


Student Debt:

As Lending Tightens, Education Could Suffer
(NYT: separate free registration required)

Students lament loss in education act
(DBN Subscription Required)



Golf clubs struggling to stay in bounds
(DBN Subscription Required)



Attorney Accuses Silver State Helicopters of Fraud
(DBN Subscription Required)


Financial Literacy:

City pushes financial literacy
(DBN Subscription Required)

A financial educator's work is never done
(DBN Subscription Required)


Corporate Governance:

Turnover rate high among nations CEOs
(DBN Subscription Required)

Economic Downturn Emboldens Shareholder Activists
(DBN Subscription Required)



Alienating Your Best Employees
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Credit Crisis and Fallout...Insurance...Are You Covered?
(DBN Subscription Required)

A Debtor World: Interdisciplinary Academic Symposium on Debt
(DBN Subscription Required)



New Bankruptcy Opinions
(No new opinions today) 

Bankruptcy Court Web/Pacer Site Directory

Chapter 7, 12 & 13 Private Trustee Locator
(DBN Subscription Required)

Recent Ch. 11 Filings
(DBN Subscription Required)

Bankruptcy Jobs:

(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11)
(DBN Subscription Required)


Bankruptcy Reform:

Durbin touts housing proposal
(DBN Subscription Required)



Poverty Is Poison
(NYT: separate free registration required)

Building a Life on $25 and a Gym Bag
(DBN Subscription Required)


Hedge Funds:

Hedge Funds Holding Up Investors Exposed to Involuntary-Bankruptcy Threat
(DBN Subscription Required)



Clinton and Obama Emphasize Economic Themes
(NYT: separate free registration required)

McCain Says Bernanke Should Have Reduced Interest Rates Faster
(DBN Subscription Required)

Economy prompts GOP defections
(DBN Subscription Required)


Health Care:

Health Care And Bankruptcy
(DBN Subscription Required)


Forest Products:

Pope & Talbot seeks loan extension
(DBN Subscription Required)



Northern Rock Will Remain Nationalized for Years, Sandler Says
(DBN Subscription Required)

Northern Rock: First in a Long Line of Dominoes
(DBN Subscription Required)

Edwin Coe prepares Northern Rock suit against government
(DBN Subscription Required)

Rock hedge fund investors could lose up to £135m
(DBN Subscription Required)

Banks' warning on Northern Rock funding
(DBN Subscription Required)

LibDems want audit of Rock's loan book
(DBN Subscription Required)

Shares in RAB hedge fund dive to two-year low
(DBN Subscription Required)

Job losses and £100m fees: Day One at National Rock
(DBN Subscription Required)

Financial Crisis Enters Bailout Era
(WSJ: separate paid subscription required)

Litany of missed alarm bells for Northern Rock
(DBN Subscription Required)

'Many may now rue decision on housing transfer'
(DBN Subscription Required)

Lloyds, Barclays Rescue British Banks
(DBN Subscription Required)

Rock shareholders may end up with nothing
(DBN Subscription Required)

Northern Rock Shareholders Await Payment Fight
(DBN Subscription Required)

Brown fights Northern Rock backlash
(DBN Subscription Required)

Outrage and theft
(DBN Subscription Required)

Eurodebt puts the spotlight on mis-selling
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Standard Chartered's Whistlejacket SIV May Default, S&P Says
(DBN Subscription Required)

Debt is driving families to the edge
(DBN Subscription Required)

MSPs to discuss bankruptcy system
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More plunged into bankruptcy
(DBN Subscription Required)

Financial woes beset Rotherham
(DBN Subscription Required)

Lenders rush to repossess to avoid court scrutiny, consumer panel warns
(DBN Subscription Required)



Police raid homes across Germany in tax probe
(DBN Subscription Required)

German Investigators Expand Tax Probe
(DBN Subscription Required)

Germany's rich raided in tax evasion scandal
(DBN Subscription Required)

Chief of major German bank BayernLB resigns
(DBN Subscription Required)



Quebecor World Asks for Extension
(DBN Subscription Required)

More firms hearing wolf at the door
(DBN Subscription Required)

Alpha Marathon goes under
(DBN Subscription Required)

Canada's Carney Stops Short of Saying He'll Match Fed Rate Cuts
(DBN Subscription Required)

Gearing up for the slowdown
(DBN Subscription Required)



Financial Services Bloodbath
(DBN Subscription Required)

Bankruptcy on the rise in northern Victoria
(DBN Subscription Required)

Centro shares plunge 17pc
(DBN Subscription Required)



Leftovers of the Khodorkovsky fortune pursued by friends and foes
(DBN Subscription Required)



China's inflation hits 11-year peak, headed higher
(DBN Subscription Required)



Taxpayers hit by €1.7bn bill for abuse and health scandals
(DBN Subscription Required)



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