July 11, 2000

Daily Bankruptcy News

Brought to you by BKINFORMATION.COM - The Source for Business Bankruptcy Information on the Internet AND BKCLAIMS Marketplace - The Online Market For Bankruptcy Claims

FTC v. Bankrupt Toysmart:

FTC sues Toysmart.com over plan to sell customer data

FTC Tries to Block Toysmarts's Data Sale

FTC Set to Challenge Bankrupt Toysmart.com

Web privacy group seeks to block bankrupt Toysmart sale

FTC penalizes failing e-tailer

Government Sues Toysmart.com

Failing E-tailer in Privacy Battle


California Fruit Co-Op Tries to Avoid Bankruptcy Amid Financial Troubles

United Outdoor Stores Files Ch. 11

Frederick's of Hollywood Files Bankruptcy

  Florida Judge Files Bankruptcy

Broward judge's tangled web of finances

When dot-coms crumble, so can customer privacy

Liz Claiborne Inc. to Acquire Assets of Bankrupt the Monet Group

"King of Bankruptcy" Heads for Japan
(WSJ: Paid subscription required)

Bankrupt Gulf States Steel Implements Restructuring Plan

Virginia firm helps floundering dot-coms

Farmers' Bankruptcy Option Stuck in Congress

Boo.com Blunders Helped Lead to Bankruptcy, Newsweek Reports

Trustee for InTown Management Group Files Suit Against HUD For Wrongful Termination


  New Bankruptcy Opinions

Waxman Industries Prepack

Master Graphics to Complete Debt Restructuring Through Chapter 11 Reorganization

Tri Valley Growers to Facilitate Restructuring Through Chapter 11 Filing

California HMOs Are Ready to Provide Physicians if Physician Groups Fail

Dotcom Grim Reapers?

Bankrupt Net America's Voice Finds an Angel

Where's the Beef?  Not Many Bargains in Internet Bargain Basement

Dot-Com Dream
Ends in Lawsuits
(WSJ: paid subscription required)

Traders See Pillowtex, Regal And Laidlaw As Likely To Fall Next

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