September 1, 2000

Daily Bankruptcy News

Brought to you by BKINFORMATION.COM - The Source for Business Bankruptcy Information on the Internet AND BKCLAIMS Marketplace - The Online Market For Bankruptcy Claims 

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Web Bankruptcies Raise Asset, Privacy Issues

GAO To Study SIPC Investor-Protection Policies

Bankruptcy Reform On Agenda As Congress and Clinton Head Into Battles With Eye on November and Many Issues
(WSJ: paid subscription required)


Heilig-Meyers 8-K

Heilig-Meyers Master Trust Certificates Ratings on Watch Negative


Symington trial fails to wrap up

You can run but you can't hide - Ferrari dealership owner arrested for bankruptcy fraud

Dyersburg Corp. In Financing, Restructuring Plan


Microbest In Settlement With Two Former Insiders

Microbest, Inc. Reaches Agreement Facilitating Chapter 11 Exit


Mid-South Data liquidating

Baptist Foundation files malpractice suit

Feds seek to deny Sia bail following FBI arrest for bankruptcy fraud

LA County stuck with nearly $800,000 bill after health network goes bankrupt


  Grassley Announces Hearing on Nursing Home Bankruptcies

The Deals To Be Found In Bankruptcy Court - Seeking Hot Real Estate, Dotcom Firm Goes Where Others Go Broke
(WSJ: paid subscription required)

Expert says Tea Tree Oil Institute's bankruptcy inevitable

Movie Theater Industry:

Reincarnating old theaters a tough act

Edwards dumps most new projects, leases

Creditor Committee Formed In Edwards Theaters Case

Summer-Movie Totals Expected to Slide From Last Year's Results

Summer Season Hasn't Been So Hot for the Box Office
(WSJ: paid subscription required)

Hard to Lease, Costly to Convert


Tokheim Gets OK To Access $20 Million Of $48 Million Credit Line

Genesis Health Seeks OK Of $11.5M Plan

Safety Components International Announces Confirmation of Plan to Emerge From Bankruptcy

Columbia Sportswear to Acquire Sorel Brand From Bankruptcy


New Bankruptcy Opinions
(2 new opinions today)

BKINFORMATION.COM Commences Coverfage Of Perry Gas Bankruptcy


Canada's churches face past sins

Churches face penance -- maybe bankruptcy -- for residential school abuse

A Revenge Bankruptcy?



Japan's Kumagai seeks Y450 bln debt relief-media



Regulators Suspend Operations Of Korean Bank for Three Months
(WSJ: paid subscription required)



Brussels questions Holzmann loan


Parties settle Sea Pines property ownership case

Long Island Mortgage Firm’s Bankruptcy Leave Home Owners in Big Mess

Trustee May Help Creditors of Bankrupt Austin, Texas, E-Tailer Get Money Back


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