July 14, 2000

Daily Bankruptcy News

Brought to you by BKINFORMATION.COM - The Source for Business Bankruptcy Information on the Internet AND BKCLAIMS Marketplace - The Online Market For Bankruptcy Claims

Big Story: Sogo

Sogo: Did American Investors Force Sogo Into Bankruptcy?

Sogo:  Japanese Take on the Sogo Bankruptcy

Sogo: Was It the Boss's Fault?

Sogo is Just the Start

Bank of America Says Sogo's "Creative Destruction" Necessary

Japan's Sogo struggles as govt rethinks bailouts

US Fund Cerberus Considers Sogo Takeover

Credit Risk Worries Hit Japan Following Sogo Bankruptcy

Japan Bankruptcies Hit 15-Year High in First Half of 2000

Sogo: In the Midst of Government Bailout Discussions, Japanese Policy Head Advised Sogo to File Bankruptcy Without Consulting With Coalition Partners or Government

Sogo: Asahi Bank may not recover 47.8 bln loans to Sogo

New Japanese Bankruptcy Law Allows Faster Rehabilitation



  Judge ponders whether to pay trustee early for work in Bennett Funding bankruptcy

Laidlaw Does Not Plan Greyhound Sale

AgriBioTech Gets Court OK To Sell Assets

J&L Structural Steel: Company Receives Approval of Interim Financing

Lawyer Sanctioned for Calling Bankruptcy Trustee an "Idiot" Appeals and Get hits With Twice the Fine

Ruminations About A Fraudulent Conveyance if RJ Reynolds is Forced Into Bankruptcy

Bankrupt Telecom Company Tries Capital Hill After Adverse Court Ruling

United Companies receives Approval of Disclosure Statement

Safety-Kleen to Stay in Delaware


New Bankruptcy Opinions
(4 new opinions today)

Do E-Business Failures Mean More Business?  Bankruptcy Lawyers Disagree

FASTV.COM May File Bankruptcy

Prepack: Prime Succession - Fifth Largest Provider of Funeral and Cemetery Products and Services

Tri-Valley Growers: Closure Leaves Town in Doubt

The Catalog Must Go On

Titan Energy: Underdog Energy America Acquires Bankrupt Titan Energy's Customer Accounts

Energy America Makes High Bid for Titan Accounts

Eagle Geophysical Out of Bankruptcy

Hawaii Bankruptcies Down

Shaw Group Receives Court Approval for Acquisition of Stone & Webster Assets

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