July 5, 2000

Daily Bankruptcy News

Brought to you by BKINFORMATION.COM - The Source for Business Bankruptcy Information on the Internet AND BKCLAIMS Marketplace - The Online Market For Bankruptcy Claims

Chapter 11 Trustee of AIOC Corporation and AIOC Resources AG Announces Effective Date of Plan

Sheinfeld, Maley & Kay's Michael Quinn Chosen to Chair State Bar of Texas Insurance Section

Micrographix sinks on restructuring, layoff news

Micrografx sees charge for restructuring  

Vencor Receives Court Approval to Extend Maturity of Its Debtor-In-Possession Financing

Sears in New Credit Pinch

Interesting priorities . . .

Ameriserve May Have Known of Financial Problems Before Bond Offering


Micrografx shares slide on restructuring news

APBNews.com to file for bankruptcy protection

Mossimo Arranges $4.5-Million Loan, Fends Off Creditors

Sears' Collection Tactics Again Under Scrutiny

Texas Nursing Home Financial Crisis Seen -- 22 % of Texas Nursing Homes in Bankruptcy  
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Bankruptcy filings in Chicago fall

Toysmart data on market

  Here's new one, failure to disclose a second wife?

Crime News Web Site to File for Bankruptcy Protection 
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Toytime creditors seek involuntary bankruptcy for company  

$1 Million Order Against Whitewater Figure For Alleged Sham Bankruptcy Voided  

Senate Allows Chapter 12 to Lapse

Recom Managed Systems Files Chapter 11

Securities Industry Objects to SEC Efforts to Force Brokers to Disclose Bankruptcy Filings

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